An interactive Messenger chatbot that promotes financial literacy

INVL chatbot lead generation marketing case study

The case study highlights a creative digital marketing initiative for INVL, focusing on enhancing public financial literacy and generating leads through an interactive Messenger chatbot.

This gamified chatbot was crafted to engage users by analyzing their saving habits, converting them into email subscribers, and offering free consultations on pension funds.

The campaign successfully leveraged the popular Messenger platform to create a fun, educational experience that led to significant results, including increased lead generation and engagement.

About INVL

Since its establishment in 1991, "Invalda INVL," along with its partners, has successfully executed a multitude of company acquisitions, sales, and capital-raising transactions, cumulatively valued at over 1.5 billion euros. A key B2C offering from the company is its focus on facilitating investments in Tier II and III pension funds.

Project goal

Engage users by entertainingly educating them about their financial futures and provide them with a personalized content subscription via email, along with a complimentary consultation on Tier II and III pension funds.

Interactive financial quiz

INVL's interactive chatbot, promoted through Meta ads and its website, offers a quick quiz to enlighten users about essential saving habits for securing their financial futures. By answering six engaging questions, users learn about their saving personality type (e.g., Saver, Spender, Extravagant, etc.) and receive personalized advice.

From quiz to impact

Following the quiz, participants are invited to subscribe to personalized emails for tailored financial tips and updates from INVL. Additionally, they're encouraged to register for consultations on Tier II and III pension funds, moving from interactive learning to actionable financial planning seamlessly.

ChatMarketing Agency
Reshaping business conversations since 2018

We merge human skills with innovation to create top-tier AI chatbot solutions

Custom trained GPT models
Chatbot development
Natural language processing
Chatbot content and copywriting
Custom solutions and integrations
Chatbot branding and design
Analytics and user segmentation
Consultations and training
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